Похожие записи

Обновление Иконостаса
Dear parishioners, we continue to improve our Holy Temple! With God’s help, we plan to install iconostases in the Altar—a large one on the High Place and a small one above the Table of Oblation. We also plan to raise the central arch of the main iconostasis so that the stained-glass window on the High…

Special Moleben for Start of the New Academic Year
В воскресенье 27 августа после литургии будет отслужен молебен на начало нового учебного.

Валерий Сергеевич Чеканов - 7 Дек, 1939 – 28 Окт, 2023
The long-term treasurer and church warden Valery Sergeevich Chekanov died on Saturday. The funeral service will be held on Saturday, November 4 at 10:00 a.m. in Holy Trinity Church. The funeral and panihida will take place at 11:45 a.m. at the Resurrection Cemetery. The memorial luncheon will begin at 1:15 p.m. in the church hall.

Nativity Services
Nativity Vespers will be held on Friday January 6th at 5pm. Nativity Liturgy will be held on Saturday January 7th at 10am.Confession prior to the start of the service.

День уборки ХРАМА
Приглашаем всех принять участие в ежемесячной уборке нашего Свято- Троицкого храма. Ждем вас в субботу. 23 Сентября в 10 утра

Нам нужна ваша помощь
Our beloved in Christ parishioners! Over the past few months, we have completed maintenance and made several improvements to our church, reducing our financial funds to deficient levels. We need your help to continue serving you – our Orthodox community. As we approach the forthcoming holidays, we ask that you be generous in your giving….