Новорукоположенный диакон о. Алексей Чесноков принимает от о. Ростислава и прихожан поздравления с принятием священного сана.
Диакон Алексей был рукоположен 16 марта и отслужил свою первую службу в Милуоки 23 марта.

Новорукоположенный диакон о. Алексей Чесноков принимает от о. Ростислава и прихожан поздравления с принятием священного сана.
Диакон Алексей был рукоположен 16 марта и отслужил свою первую службу в Милуоки 23 марта.
The long-term treasurer and church warden Valery Sergeevich Chekanov died on Saturday. The funeral service will be held on Saturday, November 4 at 10:00 a.m. in Holy Trinity Church. The funeral and panihida will take place at 11:45 a.m. at the Resurrection Cemetery. The memorial luncheon will begin at 1:15 p.m. in the church hall.
With the rector’s blessing, the Parish Council plans to repair the roof and gutters soon because of water that has leaked into the church building. A contractor has already been selected to carry out the work. This repair will extend the time needed to raise funds for a complete roof replacement for the next 5-7…
Our beloved in Christ parishioners! Over the past few months, we have completed maintenance and made several improvements to our church, reducing our financial funds to deficient levels. We need your help to continue serving you – our Orthodox community. As we approach the forthcoming holidays, we ask that you be generous in your giving….
An Extraordinary Parish Meeting has been scheduled by the Parish Council to vote to adopt two changes to our parish bylaws. The meeting will take place on Sunday, March 19th, 2023 following the conclusion of services in the church hall. The two changes will qualify Holy Trinity for a 501(c)(3) nonprofit group exemption through the Diocese….
Преображение Господне, 6/19 августа 2024 года. Литургия. Успение Пресвятой Богородицы, 15/28 августа 2024 года. Литургия
The Kursk-Root Icon of the Theotokos will be in our parish on September 19th and 20th Tuesday September 19th, 6 pmMoleben for Miraculous Kursk-Root Icon of Theotokos. Wednesday September 20th, 9 amMoleben for Miraculous Kursk-Root Icon of Theotokos.