Circumcision of our Lord Jesus Christ – Sermons of Father Gorazd

Circumcision of our Lord Jesus Christ – Sermons of Father Gorazd

Luke 2:20-21, 40-52 What is the true source of joy and happiness that so many find elusive? Jesus begins his teaching on the way to the kingdom of heaven by addressing the issue of where true happiness is found. The word beatitude literally means happiness or blessedness. However, Jesus’ way of happiness demands a transformation…

Sunday before Theophany – Sermons of Father Gorazd

Sunday before Theophany – Sermons of Father Gorazd

John the Baptist’s life was fueled by one burning passion — to point others to Jesus Christ and to the coming of his kingdom. Who is John the Baptist, and what is the significance of his message for our lives? Scripture tells us that John was filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother’s…


The Nativity of our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ – SERMONS OF FATHER GORAZD

If Jesus truly is whom he claims to be, the eternal Son of God and Saviour of the world, then why is he not recognized by everyone who hears his word and sees his works? John the Evangelist states that when Jesus came into the world, the world knew him not, and his own people…

Sunday of the Holy Fathers, before the Nativity of Christ – Sermons Of Father Gorazd

Sunday of the Holy Fathers, before the Nativity of Christ – Sermons Of Father Gorazd

Sunday of the Holy Fathers, before the Nativity of Christ. Gospel: Matt. 1:1-25 How well do you know your spiritual heritage? Genealogies are very important. They give us our roots and help us to understand our heritage. Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus traces his lineage from Abraham, the father of God’s chosen people, through the line…

25th Sunday after Pentecost – Sermons Of Father Gorazd

25th Sunday after Pentecost – Sermons Of Father Gorazd

(Luke 10:25-37) In the Gospel reading for today, our Lord is approached by a particular lawyer who attempts to test Him by asking: ‘Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?’ Our Lord Jesus Christ tosses this question to him, asking: ‘What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?’ The…