
Thank you to parishioners and friends for your generous donations to maintain and beautify our church. Several improvements have been made this past spring and summer. The steps have been made shorter, and railings have been installed before the iconostasis. These improvements make it safer for clergy to move into the altar and for parishioners to receive Holy Communion. Along with these improvements, walls were painted, and carpeting was installed around the altar. Donations from the estate of parishioner Dorothy Schultz and donations from current parishioners and friends were used to purchase a Holy Shroud brought to the center of the church on Holy Friday. The Kamolov family donated a beautiful stand for the center icon (analoy) in the church, and Natasha Zelenyuk donated new vestments for altar servers.

On behalf of the parish, the church council gratefully acknowledges all donations, including those made online and anonymously. Thank you!

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